Business Development

How and Why to Pay Yourself as the Business Owner

How and Why to Pay Yourself as the Business Owner

Farmers and business owners often don’t pay themselves a consistent wage/salary for a number of reasons, although they are contributing a lot of sweat equity to the business. Check out this post to learn more about how and why you should consider paying yourself as the owner of the business.

Is CSA Right for Your Farm Business?

Is CSA Right for Your Farm Business?

One direct-to-consumer marketing arrangement that has increased in popularity in the past several years is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). While this can be a great model for many farm businesses, it’s important to evaluate the pros and cons to understand if starting a CSA is right for your farm business.

Farm Financing 101: How to Prepare for Getting a Loan

Farm Financing 101: How to Prepare for Getting a Loan

Getting a loan to purchase a farm, or an operating loan, can seem like a challenging task. Farmers often have questions about what information they’ll need to have to successfully obtain a loan, how long the process will take, and more. Check out these tips on ways to prepare for getting a farm loan.

3 Tips to Make Your Business Plan Stronger

3 Tips to Make Your Business Plan Stronger

At KCARD, we understand how intimidating starting a business plan for the first time can be. Whether you’re starting a new business or creating/updating a plan for an existing business, there can be a lot of questions about the process of writing a business plan. While we do believe all information in the business plan is useful, there are three elements that we often encourage businesses to research further and expand upon. 

New Year, New Habits

New Year, New Habits

The beginning of a new year is often spent reflecting on the past year and planning for what is to come. We often make New Year’s resolutions to form new habits focused on our health and wellness; here are six habits that focus on improving the health and wellness of your business.  

What Happens to the Family Farm: Succession Planning 101

What Happens to the Family Farm: Succession Planning 101

“What happens to the family farm?” is a question that commonly comes up after an unfortunate accident or death, which can add stress and tension to an already difficult situation. However, it’s ideal to create a plan early so the farm can pass more smoothly to the next generation. In this post, we discuss initial questions to consider and the best first steps to take when beginning the process of succession planning.

Choosing an Online Payroll Provider for Your Business

Choosing an Online Payroll Provider for Your Business

Owning a business can be tough and paying employees can be confusing. Some businesses will prefer a local bookkeeper they can meet with face-to-face, but as more services move online, businesses are becoming more comfortable with online professional service providers for assistance with payroll and taxes. Before choosing an online payroll provider, it’s important to consider your business’s needs to see which option is right for you.

Questions to Consider Before Introducing Value-Added Products

Questions to Consider Before Introducing Value-Added Products

In order to diversify and increase profits, many farms are adding value-added products to their lists of offerings. For produce farmers, “value-added” refers to processing their fruits and vegetables into another product of higher value, such as jam, salsa, or pre-cut/ready-to-cook vegetables. While this can help bring extra revenue to the farm, it’s important to consider the extra time and money that will go into launching a new value-added product. If you’re thinking about introducing value-added products, start by considering these questions.

Business Development – Three Reasons to Think about Business Planning the Next Rainy Day

Business Development – Three Reasons to Think about Business Planning the Next Rainy Day

KCARD provides a lot of different services, but key to each one is our mission of Business Development for Kentucky farmers and agricultural businesses. While some businesses may not see the need for a business plan, here are three reasons that smart businesses put time into business planning.

Too Many Options: Choice Overload in Your Business

Too Many Options: Choice Overload in Your Business

Did you know that if you offer your customers too many options that it decreases the chances that they make a purchase? A lot of food businesses we work with want to have 20+ varieties of the value-added food product that they are making. The problem: having too many choices in a food category causes our brain to go a little haywire. In this post, we discuss what you can do to prevent choice overload in your customers.