
The Power of Business Planning: Building a Roadmap for Success

The Power of Business Planning: Building a Roadmap for Success

Starting or growing a business is an exciting journey filled with opportunities and challenges. Whether you’re launching a startup, expanding an existing operation, or simply rethinking your strategies, it’s always helpful to have a well-thought-out business plan. This document isn’t just a formality—it’s a foundational step that can turn your vision into reality while ensuring you stay on track to achieve your goals. 

USDA Value-Added Producer Grant: Overview and Program Changes

USDA Value-Added Producer Grant: Overview and Program Changes

The USDA’s Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) program is a cornerstone for farmers, ranchers, and agricultural producers who wish to diversify their operations and expand their value-added products. For the current 2025 cycle and future cycles, there are some significant changes that you need to know if you’re interested in applying.  

Farm Recordkeeping 101: Recordkeeping Tips for 2025

Farm Recordkeeping 101: Recordkeeping Tips for 2025

As we enter the new year, many people will begin to look back at their records from 2024 to analyze their financial position and begin to prepare for the upcoming tax season. If you have an effective and efficient recordkeeping system, this process can be smooth and straightforward. Check out these tips to improve your recordkeeping system in 2025!

New Requirement for Businesses Registered with the Secretary of State: Beneficial Ownership Information

New Requirement for Businesses Registered with the Secretary of State: Beneficial Ownership Information

Businesses registered with the Secretary of State (such as LLCs or corporations) are now required to report Beneficial Ownership Information. As of December 26, 2024, the deadline for BOI filing has been suspended until further notice. However, the report is expected to be required in the future. We recommend voluntarily completing the report to avoid having to monitor future deadline updates.

Planning for the Future: A Starter Guide to Farm Transition Planning

Planning for the Future: A Starter Guide to Farm Transition Planning

Farming is a risky business with significant costs, and one of the most expensive mistakes is failing to plan or oversimplifying the transition of the farm. At its core, successful transition planning boils down to clear, honest communication and planning ahead. When communicating across generations, consider addressing key issues early to build mutual understanding and ensure a smoother transition.

Register for Our Growing Your Farm and Food Business Workshops

Register for Our Growing Your Farm and Food Business Workshops

This fall, KCARD is hosting another round of our funding focused Growing Your Farm and Food Business workshop series. We kicked off this series with the first workshop in Grand Rivers on October 23rd. You can still join us in Springfield on November 13th or in Jackson on November 19th!

Unlock New Opportunities with KCARD's Farm Diversification Workshop

Unlock New Opportunities with KCARD's Farm Diversification Workshop

KCARD will be hosting a Planning for Farm Diversification workshop on October 22 in Murray, KY to assist agricultural producers who are transitioning out of dark tobacco and diversifying their farming operations with produce or raising livestock for value-added products. The workshops will provide information on business planning, marketing, produce safety practices, and production resources.