Hashtags 101

Have you heard of a hashtag? A hashtag is an online tagging device used on certain social media platforms. Using hashtags helps others easily find content centered on a certain theme or subject. A hashtag starts with the number (#) symbol followed by a series of words. Placing the hashtag symbol before the words will automatically turn the phrase into a searchable link. For example, if we posted #KCARD on Facebook or Instagram, a user could click the link and see all other tweets related to KCARD. From a business perspective, hashtags can increase social media engagement, attract new customers, and build brand awareness. If a user searches a hashtag used by a business, the user can find the business account, follow or like the account, and potentially become a customer. Here are some things to remember when using or creating hashtags.

  1. Relevance - make sure the hashtag is relevant to the business and the targeted audience.

  2. Keep it Simple - Stick to simple and easy-to-remember phrases.

  3. No Punctuation - Hashtags don’t work if spaces, punctuation, or other symbols are used.

  4. More isn’t always better - limit the number of hashtags being used – think quality, not quantity.

Searching for hashtags can be done on any social media platform that supports the use of hashtags. Hashtags are supported by all major platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest. When you access the search bar on any of the platforms mentioned above, just type in the specific hashtag you’re looking for. Be sure to include the symbol when searching or you’ll be shown related accounts and pages instead. For example, searching “#KYAg365” on Instagram will retrieve over 5000 posts! For more information about hashtags and using them in your social media, contact KCARD at kcard@kcard.info or at 859-550-3972.