Adding value to your farm product can bring more of that food dollar back home to the farm. Many Kentucky farmers transform their raw agricultural commodity into a different product with higher market value (milk to cheese, fruit to jam, etc.) This may seem like an obvious way to increase revenue, but it’s important to understand all of the costs associated with launching a value-added product. Understanding your costs will help you price your product at the right level and ensure that you can make a profit off the finished product.
I Want to Hire People, but I Can’t Find Anyone: Handling Labor Risk
Mark it down as a problem that businesses had before COVID that has only gotten worse in the pandemic: finding and retaining workers. As a result, a lot of businesses are having to think creatively about their operations from start to finish to figure out how to handle this challenge. We were recently asked about how to do just that. Check out this blog post to learn more.
You decided to start your own business, now what?
Creating a business plan is an important first step in developing and maintaining a viable business. The business plan lays out a variety of aspects of your business for you, from the official name of your business to who will post on social media and anything in between. Business plans help you communicate your vision for your business in an organized way that can also hold you accountable to the goals you establish.
Sharing Your Business Story - Creating a Elevator Speech
As an agricultural business owner, it’s inevitable that you will be asked the question “what do you do?” by a wide variety of people, such as potential customers, investors, or even competitors. You might be asked at a school event, community gathering, or even while at the grocery store. Having a clear answer to this question can help you make new relationships that will help your business.
Recordkeeping Tools for Success
Keeping records is VITAL to your business. It helps you measure your growth (or decline), see what is costing you the most, and give you an idea of how much money you have at a given time. A business owner must think about how they can best keep records to ensure the system will be useful. In this blog post, KCARD outlines the three different types of recordkeeping systems.
When Do You Need a Feasibility Study?
“I need a feasibility study.” Maybe. When we hear these words at KCARD, we are going to want to know a lot more about your business and what you want to do with it.
Employee Performance: How Do You Help Your Employees Succeed?
You’ve made your first hire, gotten all the paperwork and file systems in place, and are ready to start training employees. How do you set yourself and your employee up for success? Below are some key points to focus on to make sure both parties have a successful experience.
Screening for fit: How to save time when looking for grants
When you first find a grant program that could fit your interests, your main source of information will typically be a document called the “Request for Applications”, also called the “RFA” or in federal programs, a “Notice of Funding Availability” or “NOFA”. This document is key in determining if a grant is a good fit for you or your organization and can easily surpass 40 pages in length. While you will need to read the entire document eventually, we suggest reviewing the following sections first:
Fear of Missing Out - The Business Version
FOMO. Yet another acronym that I had to learn from someone much younger than me. FOMO = Fear of Missing Out. It’s the term associated with people incessantly checking their phones, worried about missing out on the latest news about a celebrity, politics, an earthquake on the other side of the world, your friends’ vacation pics or missing out on experiencing something they are only learning about because of the phone in their hand.
Growing Your Farm and Good Business Webinar Series Takeaways
In October and November, KCARD hosted a 6-week webinar series to help people work on their business and figure out what funding resources are out there that are good fits. Below are our top 5 takeaways from the series.