Business Development

Direct to Consumer Beef Webinar Series Takeaways

Direct to Consumer Beef Webinar Series Takeaways

In mid-July we hosted the “Direct-to-Consumer Beef Webinar Series” with several partners including the University of Kentucky Department of Animal and Sciences, Kentucky Beef Council, and several others. We offered this series to respond to the conversation and education around proper production, processing, business development, marketing, and sales for finished beef. We’ve pulled together a few of the noteworthy takeaways from the webinar series.

Top 5 Tips for Direct Marketing Meat

Top 5 Tips for Direct Marketing Meat

Direct marketing is a wonderful way to promote your farm and fulfill a need for consumers. Our guest blogger, Dr. Gregg Rentfrow, has been with the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension program since 2006 as the Meat Specialist. Dr. Rentfrow works closely with meat and livestock producers, and the 4-H and FFA programs in the state to provide training and education about meat production. Dr. Rentfrow is a trusted and valued resource for KCARD wit his extensive knowledge of the meat and livestock industries and has participated in several KCARD Marketing Locally Grown Meat workshops in the past.

Management Tips for Agribusinesses in the Time of COVID

Management Tips for Agribusinesses in the Time of COVID

Dr. Steve Isaacs has been with the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension program for over 28 years, specializing in farm management programs such as farm financial management, human resource management, and the economics of injury prevention. Dr. Isaacs is a trusted and valued resource for KCARD with his extensive knowledge in agricultural economics and business management. He has also been a mentor or instructor for many KCARD staff over the years.

Direct to Consumer Meat Business Resources

Direct to Consumer Meat Business Resources

If you are new to direct meat sales and have just read our blog posts about having your meat processed for the first time and pricing your meat for profit, we’ve pulled together some more resources for you to explore.

KCARD’s Local Food Expansion Initiative

KCARD’s Local Food Expansion Initiative

The Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (KCARD) is launching the Kentucky Local Food System Expansion Initiative to expand the work of multiple organizations that have laid a foundation in Kentucky for local food purchasing. Organizations involved in the project include the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Kentucky Horticulture Council, Feeding Kentucky, Bluegrass Farm to Table, the University of Kentucky, and the Community Farm Alliance.

Covid-19 and Your U-Pick Operation

Covid-19 and Your U-Pick Operation

U-Pick operations are a critical direct marketing approach for many farms in Kentucky and provide customers with a unique hands-on connection to fresh produce grown locally. Here are some key points to keep in mind before you open for the season.

New Ways to Collaborate

New Ways to Collaborate

With restrictions on in-person sales and the challenges many markets are now facing, it is more important than ever to collaborate with neighbors and fellow producers. Collaboration can open new doors such as new customers, new retail locations, or the ability to sell online. We have listed a few ways you can collaborate with neighboring growers to give new and existing customers access to your products.

Q & A With KCARD: Having Your Meat Processed for the First Time

Q & A With KCARD: Having Your Meat Processed for the First Time

KCARD is fielding a lot of questions from farmers who are looking to sell meat from their farm for the first time, so we thought it would be a good idea to help answer a few of these questions through a post.

Key Thoughts for Distribution

Key Thoughts for Distribution

This past week, the Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (KCARD) partnered with UK’s Center for Crop Diversification (CCD) on a webinar comparing the pros and cons of farm-to-consumer distribution methods including On-Farm Pickup, Off-Farm Pickup, Home Delivery, and Shipping.

One thing we want to emphasize is that your business doesn’t need to do it all – i.e. offer every distribution method mentioned above. What works for one farm business might not work for yours. Below are a few key thoughts when it comes to picking a distribution method or two.